
My destination after New Zealand was Australia, Sydney. My girlfriend came and visited me for three weeks during Christmass and NYE. 

I was a strange feeling to celebrate at the beach, sweating all the time, but it is worth the experience.

After exploring Sydney for almost 3 weeks we head to Katoomba, the Blue Mountains. Moreover I bought a car to explore Ausralia till my brother and his girlfriend join my on the 11th of February to head to Cairns in a Campervan.

After the Blue Mountains and saying good bye for another 5 months to my girlfriend, I went on a farm near Wollombi in the Hunter Valley. Who ever is looking for a place to stay and work a little bit next to Sydney, come here! It is so lovely here (Pictures further down)

The Blue Mountains are beautiful, but honestly there is not too much to see. The walkingtrails are highly frequented and nothing is as special as it is described. Maybe I have been travelling too long and saw too much beautiful nature ;)

Then I found a lovely place to stay in Hunter Valley, Nord of Sydney. Thanks again to Brenda and Gilou for their hospitality and great food. 

I staid  three weeks, heading back to Sydney afterwards to sell my car and wait for my brother, to head north again in a campervan.

My workshop, Mr fix it they said ;)

We got a free upgrade, that RV was huge! Well alot of space for the next two weeks heading to the Sunshine Coast, Golden Coast andnfurther north. Except some days around the cyclon the weather was good. I do not have all of the pictures, unfortunatly, they are all back in Germany on a storage... well some mobile phone pics will do....

Right now I am exploring Brisbane waiting for my flight to Kuala Lumpur and the start of my asian adventure!

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Remember to KLICK ON the pictures to ENLARGE ;)


1. Car and motorbikes

Mountainbiking (not many clips yet)




2. Modell railroad



